Payment Certification and Project Monitoring
I C P M is aware that Loan Monitoring is a primary role to minimize the Lender's risk exposure in the administration of its loan.
Service overview
I C P M is aware that Loan Monitoring is a primary role to minimize the Lender’s risk exposure in the administration of its loan. The Loan Monitor’s area of influence in the mitigation of the Lender’s risk exposure can be summarized as follows:
- The exercise of pre-construction due diligence in ensuring that the project budget is reasonable, adequate and realistically allocated to the various hard and soft cost budget elements.
- The review and reporting of supporting documentation, schedule, cash flow, contracts, bonds, insurances, etc.
- The provision of knowledgeable and experienced personnel to undertake site visits during construction and to thereby accurately assess the value of work in place and the cost to complete.
- Early communication with both the Lender and the Borrower regarding possible cost overruns, which may affect the status of the loan agreement.
With I C P M placed between the Lender and the Borrower bridges the knowledge gap between financier and constructor, mitigating the financier’s risk of over advancing funds for the project while assisting all stakeholders to understand the concerns of the other
I C P M has worked with both public and private sector clients including:
- Business Development Bank of Canada
- RBC Royal Bank
- BMO Bank of Montreal
- TD CanadaTrust
- Central 1 Credit Union
- Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)